Sunday, June 24, 2012

DR Update - Sunday (Quanto Nos Ama)

many of you know that i know very little spanish.  When God challenged me to come to the Dominican and lead VBS...i was concerned about not being able to be "miss jen" with the kids because of the language barrier.  i love to teach kids about Jesus...i love to tell stories with passion and enthusiasm...i love to capture their attention and bring them to a place where they fall in love with Jesus and set off on a journey of their own with Him!  And God was so faithful during the planning, creating, writing stages of VBS for my own church...the same VBS curriculum i would bring to the Dominican.  they assured me i would have translators (yay johnathan, dulce and marvina!)...however, i needed to sing the songs in spanish.  yikes!  in the midst of all that was going on...i needed to take time to learn songs in spanish to sing with these sweet children here.  so i googled, sought spanish speakers advice (thank you linda!) and sat in front of youtube reading lyrics and singing along and trying to envision myself dancing and singing with the children.  what an adventure this would be.

"oh how He loves us" by David Crowder is one of my very favorite songs.  during my spanish learning  experience on youtube i found the spanish version!  it really is one of the most beautiful things i've heard.  although the verses proved to be too much for my spanish knowledge...the chorus found it's way into my heart and out of my mouth without any trouble.  i tell you all of this because this morning sitting in the church service at Children With A Hope...i knew i was supposed to sing.  couldn't deny the burning i felt in my chest...God was asking me to stand up and sing.  i politely said no a few times...telling Him surely they already had a plan in place...are you sure, Lord?  He was sure.  and i knew it!  so, i followed His lead and sang "quanto nos ama" with all my heart.  and oh how He does love us...all of us.  His love is for all languages...His love has no comparison...His love breaks down  language barriers and gives us strength that we didn't know was even possible.  His love pours out from the sweet hugs and laughter of a child...His love finds friendships with people who have just met...His love calls to 13 new hearts in the Dominican, "come follow me"...and they answer.  His love is hope, life and the very breath we breathe.  His love is who He was, who He is and who He will always be.

pray for us.  we begin VBS at two different centers tomorrow...two very different centers...we want to follow too...we want to follow what we have been called here to do.  and there is no doubt we will...God is with us...and oh, how He loves us. - miss jen

(Here are a few of my favorite photos from today - jamie)

Dinner tonight

Brandi with one of the little girls

Travis playing with the children

Brittany hugging one of the little girls

They love to see their photo

Howie with the children

It was an emotional day and sometimes we just need hugs

13 people came to know the Lord today... How awesome is that?!

Listening to Darin preach at Cienfuegos


  1. Great pictures...will continue to pray for hearts to be open and ready to receive the Word. Thank you all for you obedience. May God to continue to bless every one of you.

  2. Love pic 8 of 9...zoom in to the pic and see the expression on the face of the woman (green shirt) sitting and leaning against the column. It's the same woman in pic 9 of 9. Praying God uses each of you to impact and change the eternal destination of many!!
