Sunday, June 30, 2013

Guatemala Day 2

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 

What an incredible day we've had! Some of us zip lined across a coffee field, some ate lots of chocolate, and we all got to explore the wonderful city of Antigua! Our God is so majestic and mighty. We are thankful that he has kept us safe and we cannot wait to go to the malnutrition center tomorrow! Thank you Jesus for protection! 
The morning began with a time of worship & prayer.

Then everyone loaded up to either go zip lining or on a coffee tour. 
(Coffee Tour Crew) 

(Zip Lining Crew)

Riding in style!

Saved the best for last! This is a tuktuk ride! Enjoy! 

Day 1 of Guatemala

All the teams have arrived in Guatemala and they are all checked in and ready to go. The team of 55 had orientation, got to play some soccer with the locals, and enjoy the beautiful resort that they are staying in. While all the pictures are extremely gorgeous and you'll notice the resort is just amazing... the pictures to come are the ones that you will really fall in love with. The team will have a free day on Sunday, exploring the area and getting to know each other, but on Monday is when they will make their way to the Malnutrition Center. This is where the team will be serving for 4 days. And like I said, these are the pictures that you are going to just fall in love with. Until then, here are some pictures from day 1. 
The view from the resort

This team won't be starving on this trip, that's for sure!

Orientation with all 55 team members

Playing soccer with the locals

A street view in Guatemala 

Linda & Nikki's room (notice the fireplace in the back). The temperature is nice and cool. With no ac in the rooms, the team now realizes why it's not needed.

The pool at the resort.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Teams Arriving

Many of the teams are arriving in Guatemala. Keep praying for safe travels, luggage to be located and that they all get some good rest tonight. 


And their off!

New York Team is at the airport and ready to go! 
Can't wait to post more pictures of the rest of our teams. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Guatemala (Miami Travel Day)

Today the Florida group made their way to Miami. We have 18 of us staying the night in Miami and we'll be up and ready to go at 5:45am! We all got to meet each other and have dinner tonight at the Cheesecake Factory. Most of our bags are packed, we'll finish weighing them in the morning and then our team is off to Guatemala.

The New York, Louisiana & Pennsylvania  team members will begin their travels tomorrow. Please be in prayer for them as well. They will all arrive in Guatemala a tad bit later than us.

Thank you all for your continued prayers throughout this next week. We can't wait to share all the pictures & stories with you as God works in our lives!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Guatemala Devotions

Each of our team members received a Guatemala Daily Journal which includes a devotion for each day as well. The devotions began today: 

Mission Team Ready... On your mark, get set.... Wait a minute, do you have all your equipment that you need for your trip to Guatemala? The equipment I am referring to is the "Full Armor of God". Check very closely to see if you have it!

In Ephesians 6:11-18, Paul tells us to put on the full armor of God, so that we can take our stand against the devil's schemes. Have you faced any challenges while preparing for this mission trip? Spiritual forces are all around us and the enemy will try anything to attack us and get us unfocused from our mission. That is why we must be prepared! We must have faith and perseverance to the finish the work that God has set before us (James 1:4). Evil can keep us from finishing the race on our mission, but only if we let it. Be steadfast in prayer, having faith that God will order every step that you take before you embark on this joinery and throughout the journey to Guatemala. 

Expect the unexpected while you are away in Guatemala. God has called each one of us on this mission team to be his hands and feet, sharing the love of Jesus with these wonderful people. Flexibility will be key and understanding that it's okay if things aren't going your way. Be humble and submit yourself to God, trusting that He is in control of your life (James 4:6-7). Which way this mission trip goes for you will depend on you. Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you respond to it. Ministering to the people of Guatemala will be a blessing and you can take part in winning souls for Jesus Christ. Will you submit today and set your pride off to the side?

My challenge to you is this: Will you put on the full armor of God and go with an open heart, allowing God to stretch you and use you in any way he pleases? If so, let us GO with perseverance, sharing the gospel and finishing our mission that God has set before us!  

(Devotion by: Meagan Smith) 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

111 Project - June 28th (Adoption & Foster Care)

New Blog - New Website

SendMeMissions now has a website & a missions blog. This blog will primarily be updated for mission teams that are on the mission field (home & international).

COMING SOON... posts from the Guatemala Mission Team. This team leaves on June 29th.