(Recap from yesterday, July 3rd)
Rose began our day with a devotion reminding us to stay close to the Shepherd who leads us because He knows what's ahead and will protect us. Wise words when the enemy is stealthy and quiet, sometimes not even seen. The harm happens when we stray.
Wednesday, Day 3 at the center. By now we've become more familiar with the routine and know where things are, so we all went right to work and things ran smoothly. Windex was flying in the Canary room as every square inch of the glass partitions between the individual cubicals were wiped down. Also, the outside windows in the Canarios Room were decked out with new curtains.
Shaving cream was the hit of the day! (with the kids AND the interns and translators I understand! :-) It's the simple craft ideas that seem to be the favorites. Squirt a little shaving cream on the table in front of a child and just let them play. Simple pleasures and just good clean fun! (Get it?)
We finally finished with the inventory today of all the supplies these teams brought. Diapers, clothes, formula, medical supplies, toys, shoes, lotions, craft supplies and 9,020 band-aids later, we'll be able to stock shelves at the center, as well as share supplies with the elderly day care and a local hospital.
Today also held extra blessings for a small group of us who went back to the elderly day care we visited yesterday. We took play dough and beach balls, a devotion and Spanish CDs and had a blast! We were treated to a dance performance by the residents and we all joined in. Such beautiful, sweet and gracious people. They truly blessed us beyond what we could have possibly given them. Another team will visit again tomorrow with more fun activities planned. Can't wait to hear all about their visit.
Dinner tonight was a special time at La Peña del Sol. From the frozen lemon-coconut drink to the live Andean pan flute music, the buffet of great food and all the amazing scarves and jewelry purchased from Felipé, we enjoyed our special evening out. (Well, all except for the swim back to the buses! Have we mentioned yet that its rainy season?)