Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Ecuador Mission Team Update - Day 3

Here we are getting ready for movie night and showing War Room. Movie starts at 8 but they starting to show up early. Praying for the Holy Spirit will move here tonight.

First of all thanks for everyone's prayer's. We had about 32 here tonight in this small apartment and it was awesome. Two have decided to get baptized here soon. Praise God. To him we give the glory. So much thanks to the translators and one of the translators shared his testimony. God is great.

Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts:..

After our quiet time and team devotion this morning, we headed to the Otavalo Artisan market. There will be some treasures opened this weekend when we return!

There were also treasures shared tonight before and after the movie through testimonies that included:
-the struggles of life,
-a recently restored marriage,
-God's faithfulness,
-resisting God's invitations,
-a desire for baptism,
-repentance and returning to God

Thank you for your prayers! -Janice Durance

Monday, December 28, 2015

Ecuador Mission Team Update - Day 2

The team getting ready for movie night by making banners to hang in the streets to invite people to watch War Room in the apartment.
Just a quick update we split in two different teams and Seth and Craig went to the park and played games with the kids and meet new friends. The other team headed to friends that are well known to the Ecuador team and stooped by to tell them hi and prayed with several and invited them to movie night tomorrow night. This afternoon some made banners and flyers for movie night. This evening we visited the hotel to make sure the pool was good if we need it for baptism. We are tired and another big day tomorrow. Keep praying. And remember God is awesome. - Matt Warren

They will know you are my disciples if you have love one for another.

How would you describe a family reunion?
*Lots of hugs and even kisses; 

*Finding out how everyone is;
*Cooing over all the new little ones who have been born;
*Taking time to listen;
*Eating together;
*Planning to do more together;
*Sharing what is most important to you with anyone who will listen.
To me, that's a little how it feels the first day or two each trip.

Please continue to pray.
I thank my God every time I remember you!
-Janice Durrance 

Seth Durrance

Ecuador Mission Team Update - Day 1

Ecuador Mission Team Update - Day 1
Oh come let us worship the Lord together!
Experiencing corporate worship with brothers and sisters in Christ is a very special bonus on any mission trip whether this is your first trip or you are a frequent flyer! Recognizing the melody being strummed on the guitars and then either singing the best you can in Spanish or just singing along in English to songs like "How Great Thou Art" is sweet praise!
We were also blessed by the opportunity to share in the ordinance of the Lord's Supper for the first time since we began coming here in Feb. of 2012. Our ernest prayer is that groups of believers will soon be able to have similar worship experiences together here in Tabacundo. Unlike many Sunday afternoons, we did not get a nap...which for some is possibly its own kind of worship!
-Janice Durance 

Been a full day and it is 10:40pm and now planning the week. God is awesome as the days are already getting full. We will be showing War Room at several different places and the churches we went to today. We need you all to pray for the taxi driver and well known friend of the team as Bruce will try to spend one on one time to once again share the gospel with him. We so much going on but God is in control.
-Matt Warren 
Please continue to pray for:
*Divine appointments
*Lorena's sister who is in the hospital (not Paulina)
*Holy Spirit-led discernment in filling our week, and
*A new believer who is a first time mom...she named her little baby girl Grace!Praise God for:
*Faithful hardworking translators
*restored health to a team member
*His faithfulness

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Ecuador Mission Team (FBCBG)

Week 1 of the Ecuador Mission Team from First Baptist Church of Bowling Green is on their way! They will be serving in Ecuador until January 2nd when another team will meet up with them and serve thru January 9th. Please keep these missionaries in your prayers. (Updates are available on Facebook) To hear of their testimonies from their trips, please plan on attending the worship service on January 17th at 6pm at FBC Bowling Green.