Hardee County has two youth teams out in the field this week. They are finishing up the work they've been called to do and will begin preparation to come back to the U.S. Departing from a foreign country after falling in love with the people is always bittersweet.
- Pray for each of the team members as they say goodbye and return to their home mission field in Hardee County.
- Pray for the conversations they will have with other students next week as they return back to school and that God give them the same boldness they have in Haiti and the Dominican Republic at Hardee Senior High School.
- Pray for safe travels home.
- Pray for their spiritual walk with the Lord and their conversations with Him throughout the next few weeks. May they apply what they've learned and seen to their every day walk with Christ.
- Pray that the impact of this trip forever change their lives and that they always seek opportunities to share the gospel with others and show love.
- Pray that each team member recognize that they are always on mission for the Lord and that our mission field is where we are each and every day.
He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out worked into his harvest field." - Luke 10:2
Haiti Mission Team - Florida's First Assembly
Dominican Republic Mission Team - First Christian Church