I just want to thank everyone again for the prayers, support, encouragement and the chance to be here in the DR, without you I would not be here! God is great!
Last Thursday while I was working the information desk at the SCORE Complex one of the translators, Hector came over to chat. I asked him where he was from in the DR and Guess what?!...He is from Guerra the first town I came to 4 1/2 years ago!! AND he is "brothers" with Samuel our translator, friend and guide from that mission trip!!! The world is so big yet soooo small!
I spent Friday at the Lily House helping to paint candle jars. It was really neat to be working alongside the women! To find out more about this ministry go to http://www.scoreintl.org/ministry/lily-house/ On Saturday I remember eating an empanada from the Lily House! It was delicious!!!
Sunday we went to church and then to the airport to pick up Kathy and Lisa from Buffalo!! It's so neat to see familiar faces and serving hearts return to the DR on mission. I then went to JUMBO(aka a Dominican Walmart) to pick up items for the teachers at Emmanuel House for Teacher Appreciation!
Monday was a day of precious moments I hope never to forget! It was difficult to take pictures and be in the moments at the same time. Adrienne, Mirqueya, Jessinia and 5 precious little girls picked me up at the complex so I could ride with them to take Jessinia to the airport. On the way to the airport the girls were sooooo excited to see the beach, they hope to be able to go one day! It was quite an experience in the airport, more than likely most of them had never been! To see the expressions on their faces when they went up the escalators, and when they saw big planes up close was priceless. We said our good byes to Jessinia ( I am hoping I get to see her gain in Buffalo in November when she comes for a wedding!) and then traveled into the Capital, Santa Domingo. We went to a huge mall and had lunch with the girls in the food court and then we took them shopping. But it just wasn't an ordinary shopping trip.... we went with purpose of picking out outfits for the girls to wear to their mothers funeral( Their mother has cancer and phenomena and was given about three weeks to live) This day was so filled with joy yet many times I would catch small tears to wipe form my eyes. Please pray for these girls and their mother, Elpidia. From the Capital we traveled back to Quisqueya and took the girls home and returned to the Emmanuel house where I will stay for another week or so.
On Tuesday night I was able to go with Adrienne to a women's bible study that she leads in one of the neighborhoods. We had plastic chairs set up in the "back yard" of one of the women's houses. It was amazing to hear the word of God studies in Spanish in the backyard with babies, children and chickens running around. This is one picture I wish I had! We stayed until dark and then walked home! The rest of the week during the day I helped in the classrooms and with the teachers preparing for the end of school year celebration on Friday.
Friday was AWESOME!! I am so glad I was able to be their to witness their end of school year celebration. After the students left all of the teachers met. I was able to talk to the teachers and staff of Emanuel house to encourage and explain teacher appreciation. We decided to give all the gifts to the teachers on this day! The women love, love, loved the gifts and expressions of gratitude. I am looking forward to partnering with them again for teacher appreciation week next year!
I have then been able to spend some time looking for math and reading curriculum with activities and directions in Spanish! Praise the Lord I have found a complete math program(FOR FREE) and so close to finding the right reading one! So with that being said I will be spending the next week or so printed, laminating and cutting out math and reading activities for the teachers for the upcoming year!!! I am beyond excited that God has allowed me to be apart of this!! Please pray for strength and time to make a huge dent in this project!! With that being said I will be also spending a little extra money to create these resources please consider give to SendMeMissions (http://www.sendmemissions.com/#!send-one/c1y3f) to make this a quality and useful tool for the teachers and students!
How cool, Jess! Love you and are praying for you!