Monday, August 3, 2015

Aug 3rd - DR Mission Trip

Our 1st work day began with preparing bags of food for families that Score International works with. The bags consisted of rice, fish, beans, oil, pasta and the hygiene bags that were made at First Christian Church and here at the complex.  After preparing the bags we made our way out to Emanual House which is located in Quisqueya about 30 minutes away from where we are staying. It serves as a school for about 150 kids. Many of these children are not allowed to attend public school because they do not have a birth certificate or their parents can not afford the uniforms and supplies.

Once arriving to Emanuel House, the teams split up into several groups serving with different projects that needed to be completed before the next school year begins. Pictured above the group was responsible for sanding and repainting all the tables and chairs for each classrom.

Although team member, Brek McClenithan's favorite quote is... "If you ain't sweating, you ain't serving," we did capture this moment of interation with one of the kids at the school.

Another group was responsible for scraping and spackeling all the classroom walls to be repainted tomorrow.

Some of the groups had a chance to go into the village of Quisqueya to help deliver the food & hygeine bags from this morning. They were able to talk, witness, and pray with the families that had children attending Emanuel House.

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