This sentence might surprise you, but it is late once again here. This sentence also might surprise you, but we are very tired. Here is the run down of the day. Today was our free day. We went to two cities we have not been to before. One is known for their leather goods. The other city is known for their wood carvings. Both were very interesting. We learned some things about the wood carving town that will make that one a more enjoyable visit in the future. After we left those two places, we went to our traditional market we take first time team members. We left our apartment very early and got home at seven p.m.
After that we went to a house warming party. We were this families first guests and we know the rest of the team will be very excited for this very precious family. We can't wait to tell you more about it in person or in private message from one of our team members. We spent a couple of hours with them and now we are home.
So, today, because it was the free day, was not very "exciting," but it was a fun day.
Well, it is 11:30 p.m. here and we just got in a couple of minutes ago. One of our team members has a very sore throat and did not join the team on the first half of the day. Rather this person stayed in the apartment and slept. The rest of the team, however, went to get ice cream (Jhoe, they really enjoyed it) and to meet with a person and to eat empanadas. It was a really good visit.
The afternoon consisted of another Bible study outside of our apartment. Lots of people were invited, but only the host actually came, but we had a great time digging into God's Word and growing in our faith.
We had a meeting scheduled for our apartment, but it turned out to be a no show, but we did have another Bible study scheduled (again in someone else's house) and it is the one we have just returned from. It was fantastic. It is amazing to see how God's Spirit empowers His children and to watch this individual testify to God's faithfulness in the midst of potentially confusing situations.
We are going to bed now. Please pray for our team mate with the sore throat. Pray for God's power to be on the team the remainder of their trip. May God be brought glory through our work.
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