Before |
After |
my "spanish jen"...dulce...(darin calls her carmello
abuela..grandma caramel) led Bible review and lesson time for over 3
hours! (needless to say...she gave everything...even her voice!)
the children remembered the Bible points and Bible verses and were reminded
how much they need Jesus. they need their own relationship with
Him. she continued to teach how to follow to Shine for Jesus
everywhere they go. we both loved the older group of kiddos and how much
they held on to every word. we encouraged them to be an example for the
others...and to believe that God has a plan for each of them. dulce sang
with them songs that we taught them...laughed and "excercised for
Jesus"...then they blessed her with songs they knew as well.
cienfuegos was a tiny place stuffed to capacity with children
and excitement. it was difficult as the children would ask,
"manana?" (tomorrow?) and the team would answer no, with
tears in their eyes. the children here are starving not only for food and
water, but for love. the team brought love everyday. they poured
out hugs and smiles and prayed for these lives that came searching
Cookie told the story of mary at the tomb...sharing the
excitement about how Jesus is Alive! 9 more little hearts asked Jesus to
be their Savior...a few of our construction boys were able to come and
experience this little place...amazed at how the kids welcomed them and wanted
them to hold and love them. the cienfuegos team were able to bless the
children with "prize bags" and school supplies. they could not
believe the items were "theirs"...truly belonged to them. they
proudly filled their backpacks with treasures to take home and share with their
family. and all of us who experienced cienfuegos have treasures to take
home in our hearts to share with our families too.
our whole team was invited to a wonderful dinner...a final
"dominican style" meal...complete with rice, beans, plantains, meat,
eggplant and salad. we sat in a beautiful room with new friends from the
states and new friends from the DR. we had become a family. all of
us. 51 new hearts found Jesus and asked Him to be Lord of their
lives...but all of our hearts were different...changed from this amazing
experience together. Pastor Pablo and his wife (mi hermana
blood sister) Elizabeth presented plaques to the leaders of the different
projects completed while there...what a nice gift! and their beautiful
daughter closed out the evening with an angelic version of "amazing
grace" in spanish.
we saw Him in the people, the places, each other...we saw
Jesus. And when you see Jesus...He changes everything...we will NEVER be
the same...and THAT is what we all needed most.
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