Saturday, July 7, 2012

Africa Update - Jess Murdock in Rawanda

For those of you who have been checking for an update on Jessica Murdock's mission trip to Africa... I finally have heard from her and can share some info...

Note: Jess is in the background
Their team arrived in Rwanda and had their first day of ministry at Kimisagra orphanage on Friday. But before arriving there they had the opportunity to visit the Rwanda Genocide Museum. (As a side note, if you've not ever read the book "Left To Tell" by Immaculee Ilibagiza, you definitely should!) She was fitted for an authentic Africa skirt that will be made for her (how cool is that?!?!)

Their second day of ministry was at the same orphanage. They were able to purchase 40 mattresses for this orphanage which were delivered while they were there. She mentioned that one little boy stated, "God had answered his question." And they bought $800 worth of food (which she expressed that they truly needed). 

The team ate at a pizza place today and she said it was sooo good. Jess was anxious to get to bed and get some sleep under mosquito net. 

They leave tomorrow morning to head t0 Gisenyi, which will take them about 4 hours. They will then be visiting the Imbabazi Orphanage. 

Jess promises to send one or 2 pictures of herself soon!

Continue to keep their team in your prayers! (Feel free to leave her comments from this post. She is able to periodically access the internet)


  1. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  2. Prayin for you! So excited for you and I can't wait to hear all your stories! Yes- more pics!!
